A Misanthropist's Guide to Airbnb: My First Lesson in BDSM

A Misanthropist's Guide to Airbnb: My First Lesson in BDSM

In the brief seconds before panic set in, I recalled a quote I read once by Airbnb’s cofounder. “How could you be cynical about humanity,” he wondered, “and join Airbnb?” It’s a rhetorical question, one meant to highlight the openness of the home-sharing community, but in this moment—when nothing but a door separated my mother from my naked guest, and the gallery of hardcore porn he had erected in my living room—I felt I’d found the answer.

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The Child Averse Sperm Donor

The Child Averse Sperm Donor

Sperm Donation is Full of Euphemisms, and an 11-Year-Old is Full of Questions

Sperm Donation is Full of Euphemisms, and an 11-Year-Old is Full of Questions